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Continues the preparation to the year-round navigation in the water area of Northern Sea Route.
The lead universal nuclear icebreaker «Arktika», with a help of informatics support of NSR General Administration FSBI completed the escort gas carriers «Boris Vilkitsky» and «Vladimir Voronin» through difficult parts of Northern Sea Route.
Performance target of the federal project "Northern Sea Route Development" for 2022 - 32 mln. tons - is achieved ahead of schedule

The volume of cargo carriage in the water area of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) exceeded 32 mln. tons. In accordance with the data sheet of the federal project "Northern Sea Route Development" this particular performance target should have been achieved by the end of 2022.

"So, we have...

Information about winter-spring navigation period of 2022-2023
On the 12.11.2022 the withdrawal of the vessels from the eastern area of the Northern Sea Route was completed.
Atomic icebreakers are heading to the Kara Sea for icebreaking assistance during the winter-spring navigation period of 2022-2023.

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