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Performance target of the federal project "Northern Sea Route Development" for 2022 - 32 mln. tons - is achieved ahead of schedule

The volume of cargo carriage in the water area of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) exceeded 32 mln. tons. In accordance with the data sheet of the federal project "Northern Sea Route Development" this particular performance target should have been achieved by the end of 2022.

"So, we have achieved the performance target of the federal project "Northern Sea Route Development" included into the Comprehensive Plan for the Main Infrastructure Refurbishment and Expansion ahead of schedule. According to our estimates, the cargo traffic along the NSR can reach 34 mln. tons in this year. The final results will be summarized in January, 2023", - Sergey Zybko, Director General of the NSR General Administration, FSBI (a part of ROSATOM), said.

Atomflot FSUE (a part of ROSATOM) has provided 100 cases of icebreaker assistance within the period from July, 01 till November, 30, 2022 (the summer and autumn navigation, services are rendered in accordance with Order of the Russian Federal Tariff Service No. 46-t/2 dated 04.03.2014). 30 ships have passed without icebreaker assistance (non-escorted transit in the course of the summer and autumn navigation) but with the information support from the NSR General Administration, FSBI. The most favorable navigation conditions within the entire NSR water area were observed in September, 2022. The most intensive shipping traffic was recorded in the Kara Sea (the Gulf of Ob, the Yenisei Bay).

The aggregate gross registered tonnage of the ships passing along the NSR within the period from January, 01 till December, 13, 2022 was 52.521 mln. tons.


For reference:

The aim of the federal project "Northern Sea Route Development" is to arrange the infrastructure facilitating the cargo traffic growth up to 80 mln. tons in 2024 and 150 mln. tons by 2030 as well as to increase the total capacity of sea ports. The project is included into the Comprehensive Plan for the Main Infrastructure Refurbishment and Expansion for the period up to 2024 developed in accordance with Decree of the Russian President No. 204 dated May, 07, 2018 "On the national goals and strategic objectives for development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024".

ROSATOM is the supervisor of the federal project "Northern Sea Route Development" included into the Comprehensive Plan for the Main Infrastructure Refurbishment and Expansion. A federal law vesting it with the authorities in the area of the NSR development and functioning was enacted in 2018. In 2022 the Northern Sea Route General Administration, Federal State Budgetary Institution (NSR General Administration, FSBI) was established in ROSATOM according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation for the purpose of navigation management on the NSR. The NSR General Administration, FSBI included the Headquarters for Maritime Operations of Atomflot FSUE, the functions and individual personnel from the Northern Sea Route Administration FSBI of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport of the Russian Ministry of Transport.

In this case the possibilities for suspension, renewal, introduction of amendments and cancellation of the permits for navigation within the NSR water area were added at the statutory level, apart from the mechanism for their issuance. These changes were introduced under the conditions of the NSR cargo traffic growth in order to enhance navigation safety within the water area. 

The gross registered tonnage means the maximum ship size determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurements of Ships (1969). 


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