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Continues the preparation to the year-round navigation in the water area of Northern Sea Route.

On the14th of January in the Eastern part of the sea the lead universal nuclear icebreaker «Arktika», took for the escort gas carrier «Boris Vilkitsky». On the 21st of January near the island «Belyy» in The Kara Sea NSR General Administration FSBI completed the escort gas carrier «Boris Vilkitsky».
Before, on the 6th of January on the north part from Novosibirski islands, in the eastern part or the Laptev Sea the lead universal nuclear icebreaker the Arktika provided the vessels safe transporting through the most difficult parts of Northern Sea Route: the Laptev Sea and the Vilkitsky Strait.
Despite the challenging ice conditions, the average speed of the icebreaking assistance was about 10 knots. In the Laptev Sea, in the Boris Vilkitsky Strait and in the Eastern part of the Kara Sea the ice thickness was from 70 cm to 1,5 meters.
During the ice escort, the lead universal nuclear icebreaker «Arktika» regularly and in due course got the information from NSR General Administration FSBI specialists, which allowed the caravans reacted promptly on changes of hydrometeorology conditions and keep the moving speed.
Now the lead universal nuclear icebreaker «Arktika» provides the ice escort vessels in The Kara Sea. Such escorts confirm the readiness to open the year-round navigation in the water area of Northern Sea Route.

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