Contact details for communication with NSR General Administration FSBI:
E-mail address for submitting a set of documents in order to obtain a permit to sail the vessel: apps@rosatom.ruE-mail address for receiving general written requests and business documentation, except for applications for sailing vessels: generalfgbu@rosatom.ru .
Assistance to the General Director - Tatyana Poroshkova, +7 (499) 949-2017.
Contact details for communication with the Marine operations Headquarters on the following issues:
First Deputy Director General - Head of the Marine operations Headquarters
Vladimir G. Arutyunyan, tel. +7 (8152) 55-33-11.
Head of the fleet operations Department of the Marine operations Headquarters
Alexander Lyashchenko, tel. +7 (8152) 55-33-01 ext. 6459
Email address for communication with the Marine operations Headquarters: shmo@rosatom.ru
Contact details for communication with the Department of Licensing Activities:
Deputy Director General for Navigation
Stepchenkov Svyatoslav, tel. +7 (499) 949-26-34; e-mail: SKoStepchenkov@rosatom.ru
Head of the Department of Licensing Activities
Zibrov Ivan, tel. + 7 (499) 949 43 95 ext. 3831, e-mail: IKoZibrov@rosatom.ru
The leading specialist of the Department of Licensing Activities
Denis Nomokonov, e-mail: DalNomokonov@rosatom.ru
E-mail address for receiving information received from ships in accordance with paragraphs 18-24 of the "Rules of Navigation in the water area of the Northern Sea Route":
E-mail address for the exchange of operational navigation (IBM, PRIP, NAVAREA, etc.) and hydrometeorological information (reviews, charts, maps, bulletins, forecasts, warnings, etc.): hymet@rosatom.ru
LOCATION OF NSR General Administration FSBI
NSR General Administration FSBI is located at the address: Moscow, Kitaygorodsky passage, house 7, building 1, room 4.5.
Separe division Marine operations Headquaters is located at the adress: 183038, Murmansk-17, 1.