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About the end of navigation

The ice situation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route (hereinafter referred to as the NSR) in the current year is characterized by a large amount of residual ice, especially in the eastern region of the Arctic: the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea, the Long Strait.
   When planning voyages during the summer-autumn navigation period along the NSR waters, please take into account that the work of icebreakers at FTS tariffs ends on November 15, 2023 in the Kara Sea.
  According to this plan, the pilotage of vessels in the eastern sector of the Arctic will be carried out according to the following scheme:
1. November the 5th – caravan from the port of Pevek in an easterly direction;
2. November the 7th – caravan from the eastern edge of the ice of the Chukchi Sea in a westerly direction;
3. November the 10th – caravan from the port of Pevek in a westerly direction.
Please note that on the indicated dates, the FSUE Atomflot nuclear icebreaker forms the last ice convoy, with which it leaves for the Kara Sea.
  Additionally, we inform you that the inclusion of a vessel in the caravan is subject to the submission of an application in the form from the Agreement to the Headquarters of Maritime Operations

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